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SFU Math232 Spring2022 Introduction
SFU MATH 232 1.1 Vectors and Matrices, n space
SFU MATH 232 Sec 1.4 Vectors in R^n
SFU MATH 232 Sec 1.5 Dot Products and Projections in R^n
SFU MATH 232 2.3 Applications to Spanning and Linear Independence
SFU MATH 232 7.7 The Projection Theorem
SFU MATH 232 4.6 Matrix of a Linear Mapping
SFU MATH 232 Fall 2020 Midterm 1 review
SFU MATH 232 6.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - PART 2
SFU MATH 232 3.2 Matrix and Linear Mappings
SFU MATH 232 4.2 Vector Spaces
SFU MATH 232 5.1 Dynamical Systems and Markov Chains